Oh brother, here we go again with Islam's 'don't touch the wimmen' nonsense.
From Somaliweyn: Was President right to shake Mrs. Clinton's hand?
"According to the wholesome Islamic religion Muslims of different gender
are not allowed to shake hands or embrace one another, unless they are
people who cannot marry each other in terms of the Sharia law, for
instance a mother can shake hand give a kiss or hug her son, likewise a
boy can do the same to his biological sister, mother, his maternal and
paternal aunts.
There was scandal coming out among the different sectors of the Somali communities whether President Shariff Sheikh Ahmed was right to shook hand on Wednesday the 5th of August 2009 with the US secretary of state Mrs. Hillary Clinton in the Kenyan capital Nairobi.
The matter was put forwards to the advanced Muslim scholars and this is what they had to say:
The President was perfectly right to shake hand with Mrs. Hillary Clinton simply because during the empire of Caliph Omar May blessing of Allah be upon him, there was a battle between the Eastern Roman empire and the Muslims in the sacred land of Shaam, and in the battle a number Muslim martyrs including the esteemed follower of Prophet Mohammed Peace Be Upon Him Abdullah Ibnu Hudeyfa were caught by the Christians and taken to the king of the Christian empire..."
(I won't bore you with the details and there's more Islamogobbledygook on why it was okay to shake Hillary's hand at the link, including the part of the story where evil Christians boil Muslims in hot oil. P.S. I call bull shi& on this story.)