It's come to this.
Fearing Muslim violence, hotel cancelsl event about -wait for it- muslim violence.
”The manager of a prominent Nashville hotel cancelled a contract with a conservative foundation to hold a conference this weekend on radical Islam, apparently after learning that the group would feature a keynote address by controversial Dutch parliamentarian and filmmaker, Geert Wilders.
Thomas A. Negri, managing director of Loew’s Vanderbilt Hotel and Office complex in Nashville, told Newsmax on Wednesday that he had taken the extraordinary step of cancelling the conference at the last minute “for the health, safety and well-being of our guests and employees.”
Negri refused to say why he felt the conference would adversely affect the “health, safety and well-being” of the hotel’s guests and employees, except to refer to the website of the New English Review, the group organizing the conference.
Oh, and about Mr. Negri?
Negri appeared at a 2003 pro-immigration event on the same dias with a well-known Somali warlord, Gordon told Newsmax.
Negri also serves on the board of advisors of the Tennessee Immigrant and Refugee Rights Coalition, TIRRC, an activist group that states its mission “is to empower immigrants and refugees throughout Tennessee to develop a unified voice” and “defend their rights.” (for more on this, visit Refugee Resettlement Watch!)
The group boasts of having helped to defeat an “English only” amendment this January that would have required all Nashville government communications to be in English.
Earlier this month, the group won an award from the Migration Policy Institute, which is funded by grants form the J.M. Kaplan Fund, a left-wing group that also funds the ACLU, the Tides Foundation, the Tides Center, the Sierra Club, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and other left-wing causes.
The award singles out TIRRC for its “Welcoming Tennessee Initiative,” to“foster constructive public dialogue on immigration within the state.”
When asked if he objected to Geert Wilders appearance at the conference, Negri refused to comment.
Regarding the conference: It's still on, albeit occuring in a "secure, undisclosed location".
(h/t FReeper wontsubmit)