Wednesday 8/26 1:09 pm. Additional updates can be found upthread.
Update Wednesday 8/26: The Denver Post is now reporting that young Maurice Schwenkler (or someone of the same name) was arrested during the 2008 GOP convention in Minneapolis for unlawful assembly.
Update 11:45 pm:
Say what? Second suspect in Denver Democratic HQ vandalism a Transgender anarchist?
Update 11:25 pm. Oh, what a tangled web we weave: Denver Democratic HQ vandals. An update.
Vandalism is never the answer...but I have to admit that my first thought was 'INSIDE JOB'.
Hmmm. Could it be?
From Newsradio 850 KOA:
Someone broke 11 windows at the Colorado Democratic Party's headquarters overnight. The damage appears to target health care reform posters and a picture poster of President Obama. Party chair, Pat Waak, says no other building on the block was hit and the damage appears to be suspicious. Waak says she also noticed something she hadn't seen before. On a nearby wall, a poster against the health care plan had been posted. Denver police say an officer spotted two men using hammers to break the windows last night. When he approached, they took off on bicycles.
One suspect identified as 24-year-old Maurice Schwenkler was arrested. Another suspect who wore a blue sweatshirt, blue jeans and latex gloves is still at large. As the investigation continues, police are not commenting on any possible motive for the vandlalism. (sic)
Update: According to the latest radio report on KOA a second suspect is now in custody. No names were released in the report.
Guess what? According to this document there is a Maurice Shwenkler (seen, left) affiliated with local 527 organization, the Colorado Citizens Coalition. Gee. What a coinky-dink. (Update 9:30pm: Bigger coinky-dink. Linky no worky now. Off to see if I can unearth it again.) Okay - try this.
A fun fact about the Colorado Citizens' Coalition:
Among the seven groups is the Colorado Citizens’ Coalition, the recipient of $200,000 from the CEA, which lists its mission as “to provide information to Colorado citizens.” The coalition filed reports indicating it was working on behalf of 17 legislative candidates – all Democrats. The coalition and several of the other 527s - Accountability for Colorado, Main Street Colorado, 21st-Century Colorado, Colorado Values - frequently sent money back and forth to each other.
And here the group is identified as being in support of "progressive political candidates".
Hmmm. I smell a hammer carrying DemocRAT...
Oh the horror. Probably a union thug trying to denigrate the teapartiers.
Posted by: KansasGirl | 08/25/2009 at 03:24 PM
So, granted that a Colorado storefront isn't as grand an edifice as the Reichstag. But it's a start, ok? Fake, but accurate!
Posted by: Uh, Clem | 08/25/2009 at 03:33 PM
I'm not sure about his being a union thug, KansasGirl. He looks more "Flaming College Moonbat" to me. You can bet that this story will never see the light of day if he's proven to be a local DEM activist. I'm wondering who the second perp was???? Was he a minor? Is that the reason they're not releasing the name?
LOL Uh, Clem. It's getting to the point where I wouldn't put anything past the National Socialist DEMS - including a 'PURGE'!
Posted by: Dinah Lord | 08/25/2009 at 03:53 PM
Lots of folks wearing their tinfoil hats post here, I see.
Posted by: thecap | 08/25/2009 at 04:11 PM
Projection can be a terrible thing, Cap. Thousands have suffered from the disease over the last eight years or more, and it's not a pretty sight. Symptoms include "health rights" fantasies and similar, increasingly irrational urges to spend other peoples' money for "social good" and similar expressions of morbid progressivism. Many sufferers eventually present the worst aspects of acute Bush/Palin Derangement Syndrome. Don't be ashamed to ask for help...
Posted by: Uh, Clem | 08/25/2009 at 05:32 PM
Time will tell, thecap. Care to make a bet that this guy is a moonbat? Come on.
(And you really should think about taking Mr. Uh, Clem's words of wisdom to heart. Seek help. You don't have to live this way. Your new friend - Dinah)
Posted by: Dinah Lord | 08/25/2009 at 07:11 PM