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As an American Jew, I oppose the White House (a U.S. government institution paid for with public taxes) hosting any religious ceremonies (in addition, the idea of a non-Jewish institution hosting a Passover Seder is ridiculous, if not blasphemous).

If Obama asked to go to a real Passover Seder at the home of a Jewish friend, I doubt the White House would list a pseudo-Seder on their schedule.

This Festival of Freedom is an opportunity to remove ourselves from the mentality of unnecessary negativity. (Really, who has the luxury to indulge in unnecessary negativity?)

re: Biz: "As an American Jew, I oppose the White House (a U.S. government institution paid for with public taxes) hosting any religious ceremonies"

What would happen if the US elected a Jewish president, then?

"the idea of a non-Jewish institution hosting a Passover Seder is ridiculous, if not blasphemous"

Not to be too theological, but Christianity was established by a Jewish guy whose last meal was a Passover seder, so a number of churches host seders in order to place events into cultural & historical context.

re: adagioforstrings,

I agree that the government should not dictate whether a president, who's also a free citizen of the U.S., is allowed to observe private religious beliefs.

I also believe the private religious beliefs of public servants shouldn't be celebrated on the public dime. The president can spend his or her own salary and time in the White House's private residential quarters however they see fit, but why should the taxpayers' money pay for public religious ceremonies? The U.S. president isn't a religious figurehead.

Would you want your tax dollars to pay for public religious ceremonies that may offend your own values, merely because a public servant has freedom of religion to hold whatever beliefs they choose? (Alas, if only the U.S. Constitution had a First Amendment...)

I'm not a theologian, but a Passover Seder isn't just a commemoration of cultural & historical events, it's also the renewal of the Biblical Covenant, comparable to a wedding anniversary between living partners.

Obama is not Jewish and by making this mock Seder he is intruding into an area that was given as a gift to the Jewish Nation. Not he nor his ancestors were freed from Egypt nor have they accepted the Torah and it's commandments. In fact he is blatantly pressuring Israel to abrogate the Torah and give away the inheritance which Jews were given at the Exodus.If he was so interested in attending a Seder, he could have asked Rahm Emanuel to invite him to his Seder.
Obama's Seder will result in serving Israel; Bitter Herbs,the Bread of Affliction, Ten Plagues and drowning Israel in the sea.
I am waiting with baited breath to see how he will celebrate Ramadan, Id Al Fitr and Id Al Adha.Will he be sacrificing a lamb on the White House Lawn with Rashid Khalidi and Khalid Al Mansour? Will onama be making Haj to Mecca?
Last week in Turkey he openly admitted that he is a Muslim!

The White House says the error was made by a sleep-deprived staffer...

Sleep deprived?

Lame excuse.

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